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Fifty Days After Easter

I have been looking for ideas to make our Pentecost celebration special. I found an old reference book that had these suggested symbols:

Dove — They would make a mess in the sanctuary. Instead, we will sing the hymn Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song, because that will be tidy.

Flames — The Fire Marshal would not approve of a bonfire but watch out for candles!

Censor — We do not own one and not sure what we would do with it.

Beehive — I am allergic to bee stings, that is out.

Ark (symbol of the church) — Too big to fit in our building!!!

I thought about bringing in a fan to simulate the Spirit moving among us but the Production Team said that swirling air currents could possibly spread germs so that is a no-go.

Here is my suggestion: wear something red, socks, PJ's, a St Louis Cardinals baseball cap (GO CARDS!), and open your healthy red heart to the Spirit that will be mighty among us.

Pastor Joanne

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