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A Time and a Season

It's Too Darnn Hot!

That is a song by Cole Porter from the musical, Kiss Me Kate. That song title says it all for me.

My brother-in-law, Jim, loves the heat. He waits all year for the joy of getting out and sweating. Yuck! Another Jim, our own Jim Crone, is out manicuring our expansive church lawn as I write this. I am keeping an eye on him as he buzzes by the office window on the new church riding mower. I don't want him to pass out unnoticed! My son James, not Jim, thinks it is not a day if he doesn't work out and work up a major sweat. He is his father's son.

As a child living in Southern Illinois, I hated the heat. I started dreading the rise of the thermometer in April and May and started looking forward to fall in July. I still do. I used to think there was something wrong with me until I met Liz Schultz who dislikes the heat as much or more than I do.

From Genesis 8.22 we learn, "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." Good news. God has a time and a season provided for all of us. It is up to us to savor the times and the seasons. But looking ahead, I trust there is air conditioning in heaven.

Pastor Joanne

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