What defines members of Spring Creek UCC?
We don’t just
tolerate diversity,

What we DO NOT believe….
We DO NOT believe that LGBT people are condemned or going to hell for being gay. We also don’t believe this of people of other faiths; Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists or anyone else. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation where everyone is welcome to the full life of the church and its sacraments.
We DO NOT believe that women are in any way less or to be treated differently than men. Women have been ordained as Pastors in our tradition since 1837. You will find that we have many women in leadership positions and they are welcome and encouraged into the full life of the church.
We DO NOT believe the Bible is literal and inerrant. We take the Bible seriously but not literally. In our tradition, we take it so seriously that we take the time to study the social and historical context in which it was written. So you will hear us talk about the history of the Jewish and Christian people, as well as the work of modern scholars. We believe that the Bible is the opening of a conversation in which God is still speaking.
We DO NOT believe in “Tests of Faith.” Our members represent a wide range of beliefs from very traditional to downright radical. We worship and work together in a place of mutual respect and love.
To join Spring Creek United Church of Christ you do not need to be able to put a check mark next to each entry in some list of fundamental beliefs or truths. You DO need to be willing to covenant, or promise, to act in certain ways with your new congregation. These promises include things like worshiping together, serving each other and the world, seeking truth together, giving of your resources and more. Think of it like a marriage, only with ten times the chores, a hundred times the in-laws — and a thousand times the love and support.
Who we are….
Spring Creek United Church of Christ was founded in 1961. Our church is part of the Congregational tradition whose roots started in England and date back to some of the very earliest European settlements in America in the 1600’s.
In our tradition each church is independent and autonomous. There are no Bishops or church hierarchy. All decisions (budgets, calling a pastor etc.) are made at the local church level by a Church Council elected from and by the members and led by the Holy Spirit.
The United Church of Christ has about 4000 congregations and about 1.5 million members worldwide.

New and Prospective Member Orientations are available for those persons who are interested in learning more about the United Church of Christ and what it means to be a member of Spring Creek Church. If you would like more information or wish to schedule an orientation meeting, please CONTACT our church office.
What We Believe….
We believe in the triune God: Creator, resurrected Christ, the sole Head of the church, and the Holy Spirit, who guides and brings about the creative and redemptive work of God in the world.
We believe that each person is unique and valuable. It is the will of God that every person belong to a family of faith where they have a strong sense of being valued and loved.
We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey and that each of us is at a different stage of that journey.
We believe that all people of faith are invited to join Christ at Christ's table for the sacrament of Communion. Just as many grains of wheat are gathered to make one loaf of bread and many grapes are gathered to make one cup of wine, we, the many people of God, are made one in the body of Christ, the church.
We believe that God calls us to be servants in the service of others and to be good stewards of the earth's resources. "To believe is to care; to care is to do." (motto of the United Church of Christ)
We believe in the power of peace, and work for nonviolent solutions to local, national, and international problems.