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Special Giving Opportunities...

Wider Mission Offerings

Spring Creek UCC - outreach and offerings to local and global community

We are a 5-for-5 Congregation in the United Church of Christ denomination.

5-for-5 churches give to Basic Support and all four Special Mission Offerings of The United Church of Christ's national organization. Spring Creek Church has historically and generously pledged a percentage of our yearly budget to OCWM (Our Church's Wider Mission). Additional special giving opportunities throughout the church year include Neighbors In Need (supporting local and national justice initiatives), One Great Hour of Sharing (providing refugee and emergency relief in more than 130 countries), and The Christmas Fund (providing assistance to persons in need who have served the church). 


In April 2012, our church accepted the challenge to become a 5-for-5 denomination and support all five Special Offerings of The United Church of Christ, adding the Strengthen the Church offering which helps to build the UCC's future with assistance funding for new and renewing churches, youth and young adult ministries, and lay and pastoral leadership formation, especially among women and people of color. 


Donations are directed to the Illinois Conference and the National United Church of Christ for use in wider ministries both locally and worldwide.


Special Mission Offering dates:  Neighbors in Need occurs on the first Sunday of October which is World Communion Sunday, The Christmas Fund is the Sunday before Christmas, One Great Hour of Sharing is the Fourth Sunday in Lent, and Strengthen the Church is on Pentecost Sunday.

Learn more about our church's wider mission offerings (OCWM).

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