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If You Don't Have a Target, You Will Never Hit It!

Part of the interim process is to visit a congregation's current Vision and Mission Statements as well as its Core Values to establish where they are going as a community of faith, and who they will need to lead them to that target. Part of that process will "flesh itself out" through the information the Church Profile group is currently doing. Last Sunday at worship, Bob Tissot, requested all participating people at Spring Creek to fill out an information sheet to help in part of this process.

Another way we will be looking at the Vision & Mission Statements as well as our Core Values is to have multiple "questioning sessions" as we enter in the Fall. Some will be during the week-day and night, some will be on Sunday mornings after worship, and some will be held during the Faith Formation Hour (Sunday School). Keep watch on the newsletter, in the bulletin, and on the bulletin board in the hallway outside the Fireside Room.

Here are some of the ways you can prepare yourself for these sessions:

  1. What is a Vision Statement? Definition — (Desired End-State) A one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from an organization or program's work. A one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term change, resulting from your work. From: (Our current statement) — Our Vision is to be a church that is embracing our diversity to make a "divine difference"... Together.

  2. Mission Statement — It is to state why a group exists. It's usually a one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization exists. It should be a practical, tangible tool you can use to make decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities. From: The mission statement reveals the ways a congregation works to fulfill to its best the vision God has placed upon them. (Our Current Statement) — We, the members of Spring Creek United Church of Christ, are a people of God centered in Christ. Responding actively to God's love, we strive to be inclusive, reconciling and caring in our ministry to each other and to the wider community.

  3. Core Values — These are the "imperatives" of a congregation that you cannot take away and still be that congregation. Examples: Passion for the Gospel. Respect for all people. Kindness and honesty. Spiritual Growth. Worship as a Privilege. Community.

More information to come. Remember these words I shared from Rob Voyle during our Listening Session — "What we focus on will become our reality."

Pastor Steve

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