Where Do We Go From Here?

"Where do we go? Where do we go? Where do we go from here?" These words come from a song of the same name by the musical group, Chicago. It could also be the words of a congregation and an interim pastor as a ministry comes to an end.
It is easy for any of us to ask those words as my two year ministry here during your transition "winds down." Books are being packed. Pictures and mementos are soon to be boxed up. My guitar and amp will soon be removed. Soon, the pastor's office will be empty.
However, "winding down" a ministry is not a call for really "winding down" in our faithfulness to carry out God's call for each of us. In fact, it is just the opposite! You and I will be moving onward in carrying out our call to minister. It is time to move forward, but with a part-time interim which will better help you perceive how ministry will take place when you call a part-time settled pastor.
The past two years you have been engaged in trying to find out who Spring Creek is now, not what you once were. You have not only maintained ministries, but have expanded ministry to the community thanks to the congregation being the ones who have encouraged people who worship here and for our guests to become engaged in our Pay It 4ward offerings. It was you who invited people coming to concerts to get involved in our special offerings and mission projects, but also encouraging them to allow us to pray for them by supplying our prayer cards at the concerts. You are not winding down, but moving upward and forward and I am excited for what is to come!
This Sunday in our text from Psalm 105 we learn how we are to respond to God's faithfulness. It is a reminder of how God has been faithful to us these past two years, and how we can trust in God's faithfulness in the future.
While I am "winding down" my interim ministry here, I am awaiting God's next call to come along side a community of faith and walk with them like I have with you. While I have been extremely blessed by my service with you, God is always calling me to move forward, and sometimes that is without a lot of "downtime."
Thank you to all who have been praying for my ministry here and beyond. I hope to hear soon where God will be leading me next.
Pastor Steve