New Year's Blessings

Dear friends,
Our congregation was gifted again and again through Advent and Christmas!
A jolly crew decorated our worship and fellowship areas for the season. A new tree lit our vestibule and provided light for all everyday of the season.
We had a wonderful variety of special musical offerings: Nanette Felix a harpist, our own Bell Choir, our children in song and with chimes, our own Chancel Choir's Christmas Cantata, Christmas Eve soloist, Nicolai Janitzky, and trumpeter Gary Stillwell.
Six special readers lent their voices to our Lessons and Carols Service, December 24th.
Many gave poinsettias to decorate our sanctuary in honor of and in remembrance of members and friends.
Our Mitten Tree literally could not hold all the donations of knit wear. They have already been delivered to several locations where there is need.
We had special treats and games December 29th in our fellowship time.
Thanks to our Administrative Assistant, Choir Director, Children's Choir Director, and Sound Specialist the worship and activities of the month all came together seamlessly.
This is a congregation of gifted folk who graciously give of their talents on special occasions and all through the year. Thank you to each and all and thank you God for the gift of them to our church.
Happy New Year,
Pastor Joanne