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Faithful Folk

You've been faithful! Through these icy, snowy, cold Sunday mornings you have come ahead to be with your church family.

I know it is hard to get up, and maybe to get your family moving on a gloomy Sunday morning. I know those with limited mobility do not need to take chances by getting out on these winter mornings.

But our worship and fellowship continue to be warm and inviting. Don't let the lack of sunshine slow you down. When you are not here you are missed!

An activity is planned for the Youth Experience which begins this Sunday at 9:30 in our newly organized space.

Friendly greeters await your arrival, the vocal choir has a great musical offering for us and we, as a church family, will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion in worship.

We are due to have a weekend without ice or snow. I hope you will join us this Sunday.

Pastor Joanne

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