Reflections on our first live worship broadcast
It was not MGM nor even NBC, but it was SCUCC on the air! A month ago, I would not have predicted that we could put a service out electronically. Two weeks ago, I was kicking and screaming (privately) about the possibility of going "on the air." It was not nearly as painful as I thought it might be. I just had a picture in my mind of TV preachers, and I was not eager to become one.
The two gentlemen who joined me Sunday morning on the Ministry Team were perfection and the Production Team was a calming and encouraging influence. Without them this could not have happened. I am so grateful to, in alpha order, Mike Carr, Ron Holm, Debra Phillips, Duane Phillips and Tom Stein.
A church is not the pastor. The church is more than two teams coming together for a purpose. The church is all of us and YOU. The building seems hollow without you, the sanctuary seems extra big without you. I look out at the empty chairs and remember the gentle folk who usually sit there, and I thank God for each of you. Until you fill the sanctuary with your presence and your spirit again, know that you are missed. Tune in as Adventures in Ministry continues!
Pastor Joanne