Earth Day Celebration in the Time of the Pandemic

This week is the Fiftieth Anniversary of Earth Day, only one day set aside each year to consider our earth, our environment, and our place within this divine gift from God. When God created the earth, God saw that it was "good." From God's vantage point today I am afraid of what our Creator sees. From my vantage point the view is not always good and I confess that I am a perpetrator, an accomplice in the destruction of God's good gifts of earth, sky and sea, and the envelope of atmosphere around our planet that helps sustain human life.
I am not a tree-hugger, but I do love trees. I don't think you will see me on a picket-line. That is not my way. But I am going to suggest we each take stock of how we live within our homes, schools, places of business, and see how we can make at least one change that will begin to turn the tide towards having a "good" environment for all as God intended. What one thing new thing will you start doing now or what is one thing you can give up? This does not have to be painful. Plant a tree, start a garden, reuse what you have and recycle what you can no longer use. (Our SCCRUMMAGE Sale is a major reuse-project!)
Happy Earth Day,
Pastor Joanne