It Takes a Village
As I have said many times, this new way of celebrating the Lord's Day, via live streaming, is a challenge for me. I hope I am catching on and improving each week. I watch the service on Monday mornings and analyze my pronunciation, voice projection, body stance and language, the pauses and the blunders. You who have heard your own recorded voice will understand that I am not impressed with my voice but it is the only one God gave me and so I journey on with it.
I would rather focus on the talented people who make our worship experiences meaningful and enjoyable. Tom Stein, Director of Music, prepares beautiful meditative pieces as well as accompanies hymn singing. Duane Phillips sets up microphones and controls the sound. Deb Phillips prepares the hymn lyrics each week, leads congregational singing, and captures the sights and sounds of the service on her phone to be seen through Facebook and later through our web site. Our Worship Leaders come each week and add their distinguished voices and personalities to the mix. Our Administrative Assistant, Kathy, gets as much information as possible regarding the service to you in enews and in a Saturday afternoon reminder. It takes a village to transmit the worship service to you. It is done by all with love.
We continue to seek ways to improve this offering and to include more music and a variety of speakers. Soon we hope to be able to allow a few folks to come and worship with us in the sanctuary. Don't forget to pray for your church and her leaders. And as Tom begins the music for meditation at 10:25 each Sunday, pray for the worship and technical teams.
Pastor Joanne