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What to Expect When Our Church Reopens

See the USA in your Chevrolet.

America is asking you to call.

Drive your Chevrolet in the USA.

America's the greatest land of all. (Big Kiss)

Those of a certain age will remember this song and the kiss performed by Dinah Shore at the end of her variety show broadcast in glorious black and while. At the time these words rang true. In the fifty or so years that have passed we are seeing things differently. There have been changes:

Before COVID-19 Americans were more eager to travel overseas and to go on cruises than tour the States in a car. Americans are no longer favored visitors in many foreign capitals but are seen as demanding tourists. Chevrolets are no longer the all-American automobile, Toyotas and other foreign models are favored. America no longer is viewed as the greatest land of all by many US citizens and citizens of the world. There have been changes.

Our Church Council is considering and planning for the reopening of in-person worship in our sanctuary prior to immunization. There will be changes. We will do things differently. Here are some of the obvious changes to be ready for:

  • All will wear masks in the building.

  • There will be designated seating, all at appropriate distancing.

  • There will be no physical greeting, touching, use of pew pads, hymnals or offering plates.

  • There will be no choir and if there is congregational singing it will be done with masks on.

  • There will be no food or beverage served and fellowship should be relegated to the outdoor areas.

  • Careful cleaning before and after the service will need to be done.

These are just the obvious changes. I believe that there will be many positive changes as well. We will continue to offer our service online. We will discover more effective ways to do mission. We will more fully appreciate the gift of fellowship We will become better stewards of the things we have.

I and the Council are eager to safely welcome everyone back to in-the-building-worship and fellowship and that day will come. Things will be different. But God will not change. Jesus still waits for us to invite Him to be Lord of our lives and the Holy Spirit is alive and working within us and the world. Those realities will never change. Thanks be to God!

Joanne Buss

Pastor Joanne

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