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Being Thankful In A Challenging Year

This Thanksgiving will not be the day you or I initially planned. COVID-19 has intervened, and we are all now making Plan B for the holiday. I received the following quote from Leslie Carr and it pretty well covers the day and the times we are in.

Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way. Jenni Young —

God has continued to bless us through 2020; how has God blessed you in this year? Please share your blessings with the congregation by calling or sending them in to the church office by noon tomorrow. Our service on Sunday will be a time of thanks-giving.

I am thankful to be at Spring Creek Church and to have the honor of serving as your Interim Pastor.

Pastor Joanne


Calendar of Sundays

November 22 - Thanksgiving Service. Please submit to the office things for which you are thankful. You may add your name or not as you choose. These will be included in the service that morning. (Even with COVID there is much to be thankful for.) November 29 - First Sunday of Advent including the traditional wreath lighting. We need a pair of friends, couples, adults and youth, each Sunday to be present in the service to light the candles of Advent and Christmas. Pastor Joanne is eager to take your name and in which service you choose to participate. Script and simple directions will be provided prior to your Sunday.


Pastor Joanne invites you to join us this and every Sunday morning for our live-streamed Facebook worship service at 10:30 am, preceded by 5 minutes of music for meditation to help folks get settled. Pajama attire and pets are welcome.

In-Person Worship: The Spring Creek Sanctuary is cautiously reopening to our members and friends who want to be a part of the worship service in-person. Currently, we are limiting the number that may be present to ten (This does not include those who are active participants such as the worship team or the technical team). We are taking all necessary precautions and feel that the environment is safe. We welcome you to call the office by Thursday, noon, to reserve a seat for in-person worship.Those who have attended have said that it was good to be back to worship in their church home once again. Seating is assigned to designated areas maintaining safe distancing. Masks must always be worn. Worshipers should plan to be seated by 10:25, the time we begin filming the live service broadcast. Copies of our Order of Worship are available on the stand by the sanctuary double doors. Pastor Joanne has more information.

God Is Still Speaking,

Let's listen together.



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