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Sharing Advent

We were not able to gather as a church family to celebrate the great feast of Easter and a great Easter Brunch with our members and friends. We missed sharing a Thanksgiving Feast following worship last Sunday. There will not be any luscious Christmas treats to share on our fellowship table this month. We have not been able to have any fellowship events. We have missed being together, worshiping together, working together, and enjoying one another's presence.

Let's do something together! During Advent, I ask that we all try to light an Advent Wreath of your own design or at least light a candle each evening and recite the Advent Prayer that is included in this Enews. This IS something we can do together, though apart. In this season of waiting and darkness we crave light, we crave hope, we crave the warmth of one another. May this simple ritual bring us closer to God and to each other as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior.

Pastor Joanne


Advent Prayers

For the week of November 29, our theme is HOPE.

We thank you, God, that you sent Jesus to always be with us. There is so much around us that is uncertain and frightening, but we are never alone, you will lead us through. Be with us this week as we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birthday at Christmas. Amen.

For the week of December 6, our theme is PEACE.

May there be peace in our world, in our community, and in our hearts, O God. Help us to be peacemakers in our family and with all the people we meet. We eagerly wait for the coming of Jesus, who is called the Prince of Peace. Amen.

For the week of December 13, our theme is LOVE.

Help us, God, to see everyone with the eyes of love. May love inspire us to be more than we think we can be and to do more than we think is possible. We pray in the name of Jesus who comes to us at Christmas that we know what perfect love is. Amen.

For the week of December 20, our theme is JOY.

The day of celebration and wonder is near. We wait with anticipation. God-With-Us, Emmanuel is born on Christmas. With joy we will once again welcome Him to our home and heart. Be with us Lord Jesus, we ask you to stay. Amen.

For Christmas, our theme is GOOD NEWS!

Jesus our Light has come! Thank you, God, for the gift of your Son who brings life to all who receive Him. Come Lord Jesus, there is room in our hearts for you. Be with us through all the days of our lives. Amen.


Pastor Joanne invites you to join us this and every Sunday morning for our live-streamed Facebook worship service at 10:30 am, preceded by 5 minutes of music for meditation to help folks get settled. Pajama attire and pets are welcome.

In-Person Worship: The Spring Creek Sanctuary is cautiously reopening to our members and friends who want to be a part of the worship service in-person. Currently, we are limiting the number that may be present to ten (This does not include those who are active participants such as the worship team or the technical team). We are taking all necessary precautions and feel that the environment is safe. We welcome you to call the office by Thursday, noon, to reserve a seat for in-person worship.Those who have attended have said that it was good to be back to worship in their church home once again. Seating is assigned to designated areas maintaining safe distancing. Masks must always be worn. Worshipers should plan to be seated by 10:25, the time we begin filming the live service broadcast. Copies of our Order of Worship are available on the stand by the sanctuary double doors. Pastor Joanne has more information.

God Is Still Speaking,

Let's listen together.



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