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What's the Name of Your Car?

Come on, admit it, you have at one point in your life given your car a name. If you are a guy, you probably began the naming of your car back in your teen years. Am I right? What name did you give your first car?

"Research shows that over a half of U.S. drivers have names for their cars! The name is as important as the car because it creates a special bond between the driver and the car. A driver [doesn't] pick the car. The car'll pick the driver! It's a mystical bond between man and machine!

Naming your new car gives it a certain personality so you, as an owner, you're bonding with your car and you may have a stronger sense of ownership. Not only that, choosing the perfect car name can influence your personality, as a driver, on the road, because the car name has to live up to your expectations."

From Car names: "What should you name your car?"

The article in goes on to share some of the more popular names guys have given their cars — Apollo, Bucky, Bullet, Buster, Buzz, Charlie, Dex, Jack, Max, Nasty and Ringo. Hmm. Not one I have ever used. My first car's name was Nellie, aka, the Flintstone car. It was a 1968 Chevy Nova (light blue) and it had virtually rusted out everywhere! In fact, the floorboard below the driver's side had rusted out and I put a piece of metal under my feet. Needless to say, when I had to stop real quick I would yell, "Whoa, Nellie" (thinking I may have to put my feet down on the ground to help stop it).

But we guys are not the only ones who have named their cars. The article shares some popular names of cars for women — Betty, Blackie, Blondie, Comet, Eleanor, Gracie, Lexie, Lola, Lucy, Maggie, Molly, Olivia, Princess and Shirley.

Now why in the world would I share this but of information with you? What theological enlightenment could it surely have? Well, this Sunday we will be looking at the life of King David who, in a sense, took humans and dehumanized them in a way that showed he was more interested in "using people, and loving things." His object of desire took him away from what his better judgment, and the one who God looked favorably upon to lead God's people as King. As one Bible commentator explained his behavior: "Under the sometimes lurid exterior of King David's adultery is another sad story: the moral descent of a person who yields to the temptation of thinking that he is god. Theologians call this 'self-idolatry.' "

I hope you can join us in worship as we look at the story of David's transgressions in 2 Samuel 11:1-15.

Pastor Steve


On another note: I will be out of the office from July 30-August 4. In case of a pastoral emergency, please call Rev. Jill Flynn from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Her number is 224-456-9228.

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