Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You!

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time for remembering to give thanks. I have been Interim Pastor five and a half weeks and already my thank you list is very long.
Just to name a few, thank you to-
Those who have been lay worship leaders; you all do an excellent job.
The treat bringers; your offerings hit the spot.
The choirs; God's gift of music is so graciously offered week by week.
The lawn mower man; you go about your work refreshing God's creation.
The sound man makes even the Pastor sound good.
The youth education volunteers see God's glory in our young people.
The scrummage sale workers recycle others' goods to be reused and then to support ministry.
The sanctuary lady who tidies the worship space and prepares the bulletins for Sunday.
The IT person who got me hooked up on the church communications system.
The Council that gives support and direction.
These are but a few who deserve my thanks.
Let us not just give thanks to these and others in the season of Thanksgiving, but all the year through. And most of all, thank you, God, for allowing me to serve you along with the good people of Spring Creek United Church of Christ!
Pastor Joanne