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Where Will We Be as a Worshiping Congregation This Autumn?

How's it going?

Summer by the calendar is drawing toward a close. Fall is calling. Schools will soon be back in session. And the question remains, where will we be as a worshiping congregation this autumn?

Fortunately, we have a wise subcommittee of the Council working on what we need to do before we open the Sanctuary and what must be done during and after each service. I have had many members and friends ask when in-person worship will be possible. Many members add that they are not necessarily ready to be a part of a live worshiping community; fears and concerns for safety are foremost in their minds. I understand this and I am certain our fellow members and friends respect their decisions to wait to return to the building. Nevertheless, many are eager to join in worship as a gathered family.

Some of us are having problems "tuning in" to the live, streaming service. I know that is frustrating. Our members are trying to watch on a variety of phones, tablets, and computers, some of them not designed for live streaming. Always know that Deb Phillips works hard following each service to make the service accessible on our website: That site is available throughout the week and beyond.

We would like to present a variety of music styles and genre. Will you lend your voice or instrumental music to our virtual worship service? Contact Tom Stein, Director of Music or Pastor Joanne with your offering. We want to continue to improve and refine our service, your comments are welcomed.

Pastor Joanne

Pastor Joanne

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