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Our Virtual Church

I am amazed each week at the number of people who watch the Sunday morning worship service. Many of these viewers watch at another time during the week. Sometime during each week somewhere between seventy and ninety people tune in to worship with us and check in to see what Spring Creek United Church of Christ is doing. I am not familiar with all the names of the people who watch and there are many who leave no name at all. How can we connect with, invite these viewers to become regulars-friends-members of Spring Creek?

I have no technical ability and choose to be unfamiliar with social media. Perhaps there are ways to acquire contact information on these visual visitors. We are open to suggestions. However, we also need to recognize in this electronic, virtual age, many people tune in because they want to take part in worship but want no responsibility in helping to make the service happen through their own time, talent or treasure.

I am delighted that any and all participate in our humble worship service. It is our response to the gifts God has given us and it is our gift to whoever may tune in. Thank you to our members and friends and our worship and production teams who make this virtual worship possible. Deb and Duane make this production look so easy. We forget how labor intense it can be.

We are always looking for new ideas to improve and refine the service. We depend on your prayers.

Pastor Joanne

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