Prayer Without Ceasing
Spring Creek Church has had a Prayer Chain almost continuously since 1994. It has been our duty over the years to pray for one another. It has also been an honor to do so. So many prayerful members and friends have offered to God the needs of other members and friends and folks we have never met. All are children of the Creator. All are sisters and brothers of Christ, the Healer. God cares and blesses all his creation. Scripture tells us to knock (ask and pray) and keep on knocking (asking and praying). We are so thankful that the Prayer Chain tradition continues.
Prayer requests are welcomed in the office. These can be kept private or included in the weekly worship service. Because anyone with any motive can access the information in our online service, prayer requests that are included within the service are not name or condition specific. Requests may also be included in the Enews and again we do not include too much specific information. Information online can be used to expose a vulnerable person to harm.
Barb Mugavero and Lynn Rehnberg are our touch stones for entering the prayer chain. Contact information for them can always be found near the end of the eNews issue. When a request is phoned in to one or the other of these ladies, they immediately call another on the chain and the request for prayer is passed along. More specific information can be given in this private, safe environment. Sometimes it helps to know more specifically for whom or what we are joining in prayer. The Prayer Chain also welcomes your Praise Reports and will pass these along as well. We are grateful that these ladies and the others on the Chain who respectfully keep the concerns of members and friends before our triune God.
Pastor Joanne
I invite you to join us this and every Sunday morning for our live-streamed Facebook worship service at 10:30 am, preceded by 5 minutes of music for meditation to help folks get settled. Pajama attire and pets are welcome.
God Is Still Speaking,
Let's listen together.